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Baylie Paige

Online Boutique to Inspire 
Beauty & Confidence for all
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Upcoming Events:
11/16 Brookes Bubble Bar 12:00 - 6:00 
11/17 Eve of Beauty 1:00 - 5:00
12/7 Christmas Market 10:00 - 5:00 


About Us

Let our fashion inspire the love you have for yourself

Hi my name is Baylie! 
Baylie Paige was established in 2019. I have been dreaming about opening my own store for as long as I can remember. Growing up I always knew that my mission in life was to help inspire women to love themselves for how beautiful they are on the inside and on the outside. So Beauties, that is my goal, for you to know that you are beautiful. It doesn't matter what size you wear or what age you are, you can always find something at Baylie Paige that will make you look and feel as beautiful as you are on the inside.

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